Instantly Rank Candidates with AI: See Your Best Candidates First

Get accurate candidate relevancy scores between 0% and 100% using ai.r recruit's cutting edge AI match scoring technology.

Unlike other match scoring technologies that rely on counting keywords, ai.r’s match scoring technology takes your job description and uses the same AI that underpins large language models like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini to gain a deeper understanding of your requirements and the candidates skills. Our proprietary algorithm scores candidates based on skills from recent roles, seniority, job title and more.


  • Saves you hours of time

    Can reduce CV sifting time by up to 90%

  • Accurate scoring

    Tested on thousands of candidates

  • Keyword entry not required

    No longer manually define keywords

  • Semantic understanding

    No longer rely on blunt keyword matching

  • Instant scoring

    Candidate scored on application and sorted by score

Speak to the team to see a demo