Custom workflows

A workflow is a system that manages a repetitive processes such as recruitment. 

Setting up a workflow as shown below helps users when they are setting up a new job. 

Clicking on the arrow will drop down your workflow options. Both ‘Default 1’ and ‘Default 2’ are examples of different workflows created with different steps in the recruitment process. 

To set up a workflow, click the settings button on the side of screen. 

Click here to access your workflows. 

Clicking the green box in the top corner will create a workflow. 

Name your workflow and then click ‘Create’. 

Once created, add the steps you want to include for this workflow recruitment process. 

Click ‘New Step’ to continue the process. 

To delete a step in the workflow, simply click the grey arrow. 

When your workflow is complete, click the ‘save’ button to ensure your workflow will be an option when you next raise a job.